TSC Math Online Class

NOTICE!TSC Math Mavi Second Paper, online class लिन ईच्छुक साथीहरुको लागी अवसर!!!

कक्षा शुरु: २०८० पौष १५ बाट
This class is only for the second paper (Mathematics)
The class will be provided for 100 days (50 Days Section A, 50 Days Section B)

Class Model: (online class with Zoom) Special features!1. Recorded Video Available (200+)2. Live Class Video Available (100+)3. Complete and Interactive Digital Book Available (All Chapters) 4. Complete PDF note Available (All Chapters) 5. Sample Questions and Answers Available (20 Questions and answers, two from each chapter)
Mathematics Education Advocacy Nepal (MEAN) [website: https://mean.edu.np/]

If you are interested, please fill up the form

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