Quadratic Equation [BCB Ex6.1]

  1. Determine the nature of roots of each of the following equations
    1. x^2-6x+5=0

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    2. x^2-4x-3=0

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    3. x^2-6x+9=0

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    4. 4x^2-4x+1=0

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    5. 2x^2-9x+35=0

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    6. 4x^2+8x-5=0

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  2. For what values of p will the equation 5x^2-px+45=0?

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  3. if the equation x^2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 has equal roots, find k.

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  4. For what value of a will the equation x^2-(3a-1)x+2(a^2-1)=0 have equal roots?

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  5. If the roots of the equation (a^2+b^2)x^2-2(ac+bd)x+(c^2+d^2)=0 are equal, then show that \frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}

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  6. Show that the roots of the equation (a^2-bc)x^2+2(b^2-ca)x+(c^2-ab)=0 will be equal, if either b=0 or a^3+b^3+c^3-3abc=0

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  7. If a,b,c are rational and a+b+c=0, show that the roots (b+c-a)x^2+(c+a-b)x+(a+b-c)=0 are rational.

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  8. Prove that the roots of the equation (x-a)(x-b)=k^2 are real for all values of k.

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  9. Show that the roots of the equation x^2-4abx+(a^2+2b^2)^2=0 are imaginary.

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  10. If the roots of the quadratic equation qx^2+2px+2q=0 are real and unequal, prove that the roots of the equation (p+q)x^2+2qx+(p-q)=0 are imaginary

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