Quadratic Equation[BCB Ex6.3]

  1. Show that each pair of following equations has a common root
    1. x^2-8x+15=0 and 2x^2-x-15 =0

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    2. 3x^2-8x+4=0 and 4x^2-7x-2 =0

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  2. Find the value of p so that each pair of the equations may have one root common
    1. 4x^2+px-12=0 and 4x^2+3px-4 =0

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    2. 2x^2+px-1=0 and 3x^2-2x-5 =0

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  3. If the quadratic equations x^2+px+q=0 and x^2+p'x+q'=0 have common roots show that it must be either \frac{pq'-p'q}{q-q'} or \frac{q-q'}{p'-p}

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  4. If the quadratic equations x^2+px+q=0 and x^2+qx+p=0 have common roots show that it must be either p=q or p+q+1=0

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  5. If the quadratic equations ax^2+bx+c=0 and bx^2+cx+a=0 have common roots show that it must be either a=b=c or a+b+c=0

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  6. Prove that if the equations x^2+bx+ca=0 and x^2+cx+ab=0 have a common root, their other root will satisfy x^2+ax+bc=0

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